Self Description: My friends often tell me that in the modern world everyone should fight for oneself, be closed from everyone, help nobody in order to survive. But I don’t believe in that, I don’t want to. I don’t want to be a human of such type. I am open to people and try to treat everybody kindly. It must be confessed that I am a very sentimental and balanced person, too much sentimental, I would say. I am sure that this long rough road, we call life is a big test, but in spite of all difficulties I face I never lose my courage and keep go on with a big smile and faith in the depth of my soul.
Comments: When I was younger I would spend hours, even days reading, actually I read love stories, so from that time an image of true, romantic relations doesn’t leave me. I would like him, my prince, to be kind and generous; he should always have his own opinion and respect views and ideas of other people. I want to feel protected and I want to be only one woman in his life, to be Juliet for my Romeo.